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How to source material for dubbing shows (Finding websites to download dubbing material in English)


Dubbing shows have become increasingly popular in recent years. The process of dubbing involves replacing the original dialogue of a film or TV show with a new one in a different language. To create a high-quality dubbing show, it is essential to have access to a wide range of dubbing material. This article will introduce several websites where you can download English dubbing material for your projects.

1. Online Dubbing Material Platforms:

There are multiple websites that offer a vast collection of English dubbing material. These platforms serve as online marketplaces where voice actors, dubbing studios, and content creators can browse and download dubbing material for their projects. Some popular websites include:

a) Voices.com: Voices.com provides a vast library of voice-over material, including dubbing scripts and pre-recorded voice clips. Users can search for specific genres, languages, and styles to find the perfect match for their project.

b) Soundly: Soundly is a comprehensive sound library that offers a wide range of sound effects, including dialogue samples, ambient sounds, and music. Content creators can download and use these materials for their dubbing projects.

2. Licensing Agencies:

In addition to online platforms, licensing agencies play a crucial role in providing dubbing material for professionals in the industry. These agencies ensure legal compliance and offer a diverse range of content for dubbing purposes. Here are a few renowned licensing agencies:

a) Motion Picture Licensing Corporation (MPLC): MPLC offers licenses for various media content, including films and TV shows. Through their licensing agreements, content creators gain access to official dubbing material for their projects.

b) Audio Network: Audio Network is a global music licensor that provides original music tracks for dubbing purposes. Their vast collection of music covers different genres and styles, allowing dubbing professionals to find suitable soundtracks for their shows.

3. Production Companies and Distributors:

Big production companies and distributors often have their own websites or platforms where they provide dubbing material for professionals in the industry. These platforms offer a curated selection of materials related to their productions, ensuring high-quality and authorized content. Examples include:

a) BBC Studios: BBC Studios provides dubbing material for their extensive catalog of TV shows and documentaries. Registered users can access scripts, audio files, and video clips to assist them in creating accurate and authentic dubs.

b) Netflix Studio: Netflix Studio is an online platform that offers dubbing material for content available on the streaming platform. Voice actors and dubbing studios can access bilingual scripts and audio files to match the original content.


Finding suitable dubbing material is crucial for creating high-quality dubbing shows. Online dubbing material platforms, licensing agencies, and production companies/distributors offer a wide range of material for professionals in the industry. By utilizing these resources, dubbing professionals can access authorized content and enhance their projects with accurate and authentic dubs.






1. 提高配音效率:配音模板的使用可以减少现场配音的时间和成本,提高配音效率。只需要根据需求选择合适的模板,即可快速完成配音工作。

2. 保证配音质量:配音模板行业通过拥有大量优秀的配音素材和专业的配音团队,确保配音素材的质量,并且提供多样化的配音风格供客户选择。

3. 提供个性化定制:根据客户的需求,配音模板行业可以为其提供个性化的定制服务,包括声音特效、音频剪辑等,满足不同产业和品牌的需求。

4. 推动创意表达:通过配音模板行业的不断创新和更新,提供多种多样的声音元素和表达方式,为广告、影视等创作领域提供更多的创意可能性。


1. 技术驱动:随着人工智能和语音合成技术的不断发展,配音模板行业将会更加智能化和个性化,通过智能算法和自动化工具,提供更加高效和精准的配音服务。

2. 行业整合:配音模板行业存在着各种规模和类型的企业和平台。行业将逐渐整合,形成更加专业化和标准化的配音产业链。

3. 国际化发展:随着中国电影、动画等文化产品的国际影响力不断增强,配音模板行业也将向国际化发展。提供多语种、多方言的配音服务,满足全球市场的需求。

4. 创新应用:配音模板行业将通过与虚拟现实、增强现实等技术的结合,探索新的应用场景,如虚拟角色配音、虚拟助理语音等,为用户带来更加沉浸式和个性化的体验。
















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